Protein intake for young Athletes.

Proteins - The Building Blocks

Muscles and other tissues are made up of proteins. Although protein contains the same amount of energy as carbohydrates (4calories per gram), it's primary function is the growth of these tissues. Because it is an inefficient source of energy, very little protein is used for fuel unless carbohydrate intake is limited or energy demands are extreme. In this case, protein is detoured from its main functions and is broken down for fuel. Eating adequate amounts of carbohydrates spares protein for building and repairing tissues and prevents the loss of lean tissue.
Lean meats, poultry without the skin, fish and eggs are excellent sources of protein. Other sources include beans, nuts and low-fat dairy products.


Marcia Bock
Fitness Nutrition Specialist.

Guiding Youth Athletes: Nutrition makes a difference

Guiding Youth Athletes: Nutrition makes a difference

. The daily intake for every youth athlete should provide sufficient energy needed for growth and development, optimal functioning and all activities.
. Inadequate carbohydrate intake leads to low energy levels, fatigue and impaired performance.
. Based on the sport, the goal of performance nutrition is to eat carbohydrates, protein, and fats in ideal amounts and at proper times to allow the youth athlete to perform at a high level and maintain normal growth and development patterns.

Key carbohydrate guideline are listed here:
. Carbohydrates should make up approximately 60 percent of a child's diet.
. Starches and grains ( bread, pasta, rice potatoes, etc) should be eaten at each major meal throughout the day to provide a lasting energy source. Major meals should be eaten three to four hours apart.
. Carbohydrates such as fruits, energy bars/shakes, and sports drinks are ideal for rapid fueling before activity and immediately after exercise to optimize recovery.
. Depending on the sport, the growing athlete should consume 3 to 4.5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight per day.

The daily calorie intake for every youth athlete should provide sufficient energy needed for growth and development, optimal functioning and all activities. Just as a high performance car uses a special blend of gasoline to achieve peak performance, athletes also require the proper mixture of fuel ( carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) to perform optimally. Therefore, the "blend" of fuel and timing of meals and snacks are critical to maximizing performance potential. Daily calorie requirements will be different for each athlete.

Marcia Bock
Fitness Nutrition Specialist.

Healthy dessert!

This is one amazing treat!   
Express Chocolate Mousse.

. 2 large ripe bananas
.1/2 ripe avocado (3/4 cup)
.1/4 cup of cacao powder
.1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
.1 tablespoon maple syrup or stevia
. 1/2 tbs water

Mix all ingredients to a blender and blend for 30 seconds or until smooth and combined.
Top with cherries, cacao nibs or nuts if not allergic.
This a perfect treat and they will feel energized with carbs, good fats and chocolate flavored.
To our future!!!

Marcia Bock.

Quick and Easy breakfast!

I used gluten free oats and it's yummy too but parents you prefer you can use the regular one. I added cacao to add some chocolate flavor, hemp seeds, chia and shredded coconut, stevia or raw honey, some protein powders are very clean and make it even better but again it's optional. Raw almonds or organic peanut butter are also optional if the kids are not  allergic to it. It only takes 5 mins to cook the oats with cacao and sprinkle hemp, chia and coconut oil for good fat, 1 tbs if you like. I only use organic coconut oil.
It can be for the entire family, energy throughout the day with lots of nutrients.
Any questions
And don't forget water, you can add lemons for vitamin c and flavor.
Train like an athlete and eat like an athlete!
Marcia Bock!

Carbohydrate intake following exercise

It can take 24 to 48 hours after an event to replenish glycogen stores, and the timing and type of carbohydrates are important factors in the refueling process. Athletes who ingest 1.5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram body weight within 30 minutes after exercise have shown to experience a greater rate of muscle glycogen  resynthesis than when supplementation is delayed by two hours, largely due to a greater sensitivity of muscle to insulin. Some research shows that the first 15 minutes are critical.

Timing Meals Before Event.
8:00 P.M. event such as basketball game
Meals:  You can thoroughly digest a hefty high-carbohydrate breakfast and lunch by evening. Plan for dinner, as tolerated, by 5:00, or have a lighter meal between 6:00 and 7:00. Drink extra fluids all day. 

Things to remember: kids and teenagers need to go to bed early, performance will decrease with lack of sleep, and recover depends on a good night rest.
Nutrition: The cleaner the better, homemade burgers, lean meat, preferable 90% fat free.  Get the kids to try one thing at least once a week, I know it is not easy but can be done. They want to be the best so they need to eat the best. 

I hope you all doing well, if you have any specific question don’t hesitate to contact me for detailed information and nutrition plans. 

-Marcia Bock


The night before a game meal

To all parents out there wondering what to feed the kids the night before an athletic endeavor this is an easy and are super healthy quick meal for the kids.
They should have dinner early if the game is around 8am, I would say at 7pm at the latest.
The meatballs should go along with pasta for storage energy, so our young athletes will have enough to start the day. I prefer gluten free pasta but I understand we need to take baby steps with the younger athletes. I have found organic pasta at Costco and my son loves it.
How to prepare the meatball:
97% fat free ground turkey
Shredded red or any color bell pepper
Chopped zucchini
Minced garlic
2 egg whites
Your favorite seasonings
one of the healthiest oils to cook with is coconut oil, so I highly recommend it!
If your kid is super picky, you can slowly add one vegetable at a time.

To our future. Growing strong!!!
You all have a healthy and wonderful day!
-Marcia Bock.

Quick Healthy Easy recipe

Easy breakfast meal prep 

This recipe is great for athletes in a hurry. if you want to eat a healthy breakfast but don't have the time to prepare it in the mornings this is for you!  make it the night before and its ready in the morning! Great for a pre-workout meal, its not heavy and has the carbohydrates you need to get your metabolism going!


1 container (6oz) Greek yogurt, any flavor
1/4 cup of uncooked old-fashioned or quick oats
1/4 cup of fruits
In container with tight-fitting cover, mix yogurt and uncooked oats, stir in desired fruit.
Make it at least 8 hours before consuming it, should be good for 3 days only.


To parents and young athletes.
Drink adequate fluids during the 24 hours before an event, especially during the meal before exercise, to promote proper hydration before exercise or competition.
Drink about 500 milliliters ( ~17 ounces) Of fluid about Twin hours  before exercise to promote adequate hydration and allow time for excretion of excess ingested water.
Start drinking early and at regular intervals to consume fluids at a rate sufficient to replace all the water lost through sweating or consume the maximal amount that can be tolerated.
Fluids should be cooler than ambient temperature and flavored to enhance palatability and promote fluid replacement.

To maintain blood glucose concentration and delay the onset fatigue, the fluid replacement should contain 4 to 8 percent carbohydrate. Electrolytes ( primary salt) are added to make the solution taste better and reduce the risk of low blood levels is sodium. About 0.5 to 0.7 grams of sodium per liter of water replaces sodium lost by sweating.
I hope y'all have a healthy and fantastic basketball season!
Building healthy athletes!
Marcia Bock